Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A little about me and my hopes for my future classroom library

Hello! My name is Stephanie Jablonski and I am a Senior this year at Michigan State University. I am an Elementary Education major focusing on Language Arts. If someone were to ask me what a passion of mine is, my response would probably be writing and literature. I have been writing short stories and poetry since elementary school, and I always have a book other than one required for school with me to read for pleasure during my spare moments. Reading and writing expose a whole new world of imagination that can bring knowledge and creativity, while also enriching the vocabulary of the reader or writer.
Literature will definitely be a major part of my classroom, and I cannot wait to expose students to all of the different kinds of genres and types of texts that there are available to them. Diversity and multiculturalism will of course be a key part of my classroom library. I understand how important it is to stress diversity to students at a young age and make them aware of how diverse our world is. I want to expose my students to multiculturalism and diversity in literature as early as possible so that they will begin to become aware of it in their daily lives and know how to respond to it. Also, I hope to create a learning environment in which students feel comfortable discussing issues in diversity, and are open with their thoughts and opinions as well as those of their peers on these topics.
Discussion of diversity and multiculturalism leads to awareness on the subjects which then leads to openness and acceptance. Our world is continuing to evolve into a place rich in various cultures and diversities, and the only way to ensure that there will be peace and acceptance amongst us all is to become knowledgeable and aware of them. By including this type of literature in my classroom library, I hope to help the future generations of our world appreciate diversity of all kinds, and make them want to continue to enhance their knowledge on the subjects all throughout their lives.

1 comment:

Valerie W. said...

Thanks for such a thoughtful first post! Valerie